Antonio De Marco
From a very young age, Antonio de Marco has always spent his time in machine shops and carpenter’s workshops; places that became a continuous source of inspiration for him to seek, create and experiment with new ways of transforming matter. Passionate about how things are made, the elements used to create them, as well as who and what they’re for; the idea behind the objects he designs is for them to never be forgotten, to become etched in the memory of those who use them. He studied at the Polytechnic of Milan, the Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen and gained a master’s degree at the Istituto Marangoni in Milan. In addition to his design work, he lectures on the Design Methodology master’s degree course at NABA (Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti-New Academy of Fine Arts) and at the Scuola Politecnica del Design (Polytechnic School of Design) in Milan. In the Antonio de Marco studio he continues to research, experiment and design, hisvery own workshop where he can think with his hands.